small space gardening. @MotherNatureNet #squarefootgardening #intensivegardening

A friend of mine sent me a link this week on Square Foot Gardening. He wanted to share some ideas, and give me some things to consider when trying to grow produce in a small space. I am building raised beds, I don't have a large yard so this seems to be the best way to raise a garden. It can also be a great way to add some beauty and natural structural elements to your property too.

Why I like this idea:

  1. Use of permanent raised garden beds: This allows you to maximize efforts without waste. All your water and compost goes in the designated areas.
  2. The importance of compost: Compost will supply nutrients into the soil, which are needed in order to grow healthy crops. 
  3. High-density mixed planting: In other words, no wasted space. Everything can be planted in designated spots and thus you get more yield without adding space.
  4. Prompt succession planting: Planting in such a way that you have crops coming in at different times, thus maximizing your growing season.

On top of the obvious reasons to grow your own food, its a great way to get to know your neighbors and it could land you the role of the "most popular person" on your block!

Referenced by Mother Nature News.



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