today's beer of the day 20 - 2xone @stbcbeer #singalvarietalale #onemaltonehop

Today's beer of the day 20 - 2XONE. Southern Tier: Single Varietal Ale.

"Although we’ve reduced this beer down to the most essential two ingredients, it is amazing how complex the flavor is. In a way it is a lot like looking into a kaleidoscope, where the simplest object suddenly becomes a transfixing multitude of images, repeating and reflecting until a whole is realized, only to see it change yet again."

I think that it really is the simple things in life that can bring us a lot of joy. Case in point take this simple beer from Southern Tier, it is definitely one that I have truly enjoyed. The appearance of this beer is amber in color with a pretty good head and loads of carbonation. The aroma as you inhale before your first sip is a fruity citrus. You may detect a slight biscuit flavor as you sip with a bitter smoothness to it. My overall impression of this beer is that it is a very enjoyable drinking beer. It also happens to be a high octane beer, which are my favorite. It is an 8.1% on the ABV scale, and it can definitely rock your world if you drink a few too many. Possible food pairings could be chicken, cheese, or sweet deserts. Enjoy Appalachia!

More at Southern Tier.

Beer purchased at Lewisburg Spirits and Wine.


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